Saturday, November 30, 2019

Teaching Profession Head and Tail free essay sample

Teaching Profession: Head and Tail B. R. PARMAR ‘HANSAMUKH’ Head In present education system teacher has play an important role in transaction of curriculum. In the twenty first century, teacher has become the main focus of discussion, because teacher is the pivotal of all kind of knowledge transmission. It has been said beautifully that teacher is entitled to enter heaven. Not even this, those who accompany the teacher will also enter the heaven. The place where teacher and student meet is heaven. On the eve of the Teacher’s Day, President Smt. Pratibha Patil called on teachers to expand their role in keeping with the changing times and the advent of technology. She said that â€Å"The question may arise that in an age where there is so much information available in books, on television and myriads of vehicles of electronic transmission, what is the role of a teacher? In this environment their role has only expanded. We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching Profession: Head and Tail or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They have to interpret the vast information, often guiding children in distinguishing between what is relevant and what is not†¦. Moreover, teachers must inculcate in their students the approaches and principles that constitute civilized human behaviour. Even the best of technology of today cannot do this. † It is said that teaching profession is the best profession among all. The respect and regard of teaching profession is very high. Teacher elsewhere have always commanded great respect and regard from the society, because teacher is rescuer of humanity. He prepares citizen and creates manpower for every sector of human activity. The quality of people, and their level of thinking, largely depends on the contribution made by the teacher. This view is also supported by the father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi. He says – â€Å"I have always felt that the true text book for the pupil is his teacher. I remember very little that my teachers taught me from books, but I have even now a clear recollection of thing they taught me independently of books. † Two factors distinguish a profession once it has really evolved into one. One is the pursuit of excellence and the second is a code of ethics which the profession gradually adopts for itself. In regard to both these features, the situation in teaching is far from satisfactory. Even though the teachers have accepted the changes, responsibilities and task to create a complete individual who will be able to lead a contented, fearless, happy and peaceful life. Throughout the country and at different stages of development, teacher’s role in shaping the present and future of nation have been clearly emphasized by men of eminence in every walk of life. It is universally recognized that the most powerful influence of a teacher’s personality lies in the hidden curriculum of his personality and behaviour and the silent message which the students can, and do, get through his thinking, discipline of mind and refinement of taste. Education commission (1964-66) rightly pointed out that â€Å"The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classroom. This, we believe, is not mere rhetoric. † The teaching profession has been also extolled by Sri Sathya Sai Baba and compares a teacher with the sculptor and observes that, â€Å"the sculptor by subjecting a useless stone to different processes through careful chiseling, transforms it into a beautiful idol which becomes worthy of worship when it is installed in a temple. Whose is the hand that has transmitted a useless stone into a scared statue worshipped by many? It is the noble hand of the sculptor that has turned it into a statue and has lent an immense value to it. Similarly, it is the teacher alone just like the deft sculptor, who removes always, with deft handling, the drawbacks and weakness in students and lifts him to sublime heights. † Human Resource Development Minister Mr. Kapil Sibal also said that â€Å"symbolize the fact that the country looks to its teachers as our nation’s driving force on our journey ahead. † Tail But on the other side it is said that knowledge is not transferable. Nothing can be taught. Teacher is only a facilitator. Teacher can not change set of mind of the child. In the existing teaching practice, knowledge is considered as accumulation of facts, laws theories. Role f teacher is to transmit the authoritarian information to the students, who are considered as passive receivers of information. Teaching- Learning achievement is evaluated with the help of complicacies tests of three hours. Students’ response is judged based on the answer fixed and decided by the examination board. The exi sting examination systems categorize the students into the classes and categories with grades marks. In this critical situation what should be done then? Be a coach or a sage. In the present age, to be a sage is very difficult. Teacher does not have any power. Psychological tools have failed before new generation. Teacher- pupil relation deaden day by day. Hence, humble submission is that better to be a coach, because the coach knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. The coach knows how to teach how much to teach. Which pedagogy of teaching is suitable for a particular age group? The coach knows the way to achieve the goal. He also knows the alternative path of success. The coach also enables to understand the consequences upon the way. During my long association with teaching profession, I realized that one cannot gather the beauty of a flower only by plucking its petals. Society has to grow flowers which are full of fragrance. In my perception teaching profession is not as it looks. Let me code the observation of Prof. J. S. Rajput on the rights of a teacher. He said that â€Å"Every teacher deserves a reasonable and comparable emolument as a matter of right. They also deserve adequate opportunities for upward mobility. Their good works deserve some words of appreciation. In addition and rather more importantly, they deserve opportunities for professional growth which may include higher qualifications, innovations, experimentation and research. They have a right to express their views on school matter of immediate relevance to teacher and learner. Teacher should be motivated to undertake innovative programme, practices and experiment. They should have the right to get necessary support in their efforts. † The responsibilities and task of a teacher include creating a complete individual who will be able to lead a contented, fearless, happy and peaceful life and allow and help other to lead the same kind of life. The scope of this task is wide, complex and heavy. When one looks at the way professions have evolved in modern Indian society, one is struck by one peculiarity in regard to the profession of teaching. It is true that most of the people are drifted into teaching and it is very few who really opt for it. In terms of emoluments, it is not attractive. In terms of social prestige, it has very little to command itself. Let me code the famous saying. There can be muddy teaching in marble halls and marvelous teaching in muddy walls. Think of education where we have good infrastructure and bad teacher and compare it to the situation where we have good teacher and a bad infrastructure. Think of their salary in twenty first century where they are gating merely handful amount. In some states teacher is called Sikshakarmi, Sanvida Sikshak and education worker. No promotion, no pension. No security of job. What hell creating for them? Of course; many proverbs are there for teaching profession. But teacher can not walk and fulfill the obligations with the help of these good saying. Hence, it is the need of the hour to think over their eco-socio status with the changing times. In my opinion teacher need to be part of domain. At the same time teacher has try level best to regain his old status and be panacea for the social ills. Best reward to a teacher is that his taught have take mastery over the subject.

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